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Ventilation and fireplace package

Ventilation and fireplace package

Package price: 90 EUR

To provide you with the fullest range of products we decided to create a possibility of delivery to each of the purchased house plan mechanical ventilation with heat recuperation and a fireplace with DGP. The house plan can be ordered for each version of the home - regardless of the variant version.


The mechanical ventilation project is available in every house with an area of more than ca. 60 m2 and the design of fireplace heating we predicted for any home with our offer.


The project of mechanical ventilation and a fireplace heating is sold in a package "Ventilation and Fireplace". Ordered project is added in two additional folders. Such a project would consist of: plans of distribution of mechanical ventilation and fireplace heating, a technical description and calculation, and bill of materials. The cost of the package ventilation and fireplace is 90 EURO (note: package "ventilation and fireplace" may be ordered only by people who previously bought house plan, or who order the package together with the house plan).


To order a "Ventilation and fireplace package" including projects with recuperation ventilation and fireplace heating you should in the order form project in the comments write that you order the "Ventilation and fireplace package".


Installation of mechanical ventilation with heat recovery:


Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery from exhaust air, it is a modern and highly efficient solution of the ventilation problem in the house. Instead of the classic exchange of indoor air by using gravity ventilation ducts in chimneys we use piping installation which supplies fresh air to the rooms and removing stale air, simultaneously recovering a large part of the thermal energy from the spent air removed by using a recuperator. Recuperator (heat exchanger) mounted on a ventilation  unit serving all rooms guarantees a drop in the ventilation heat loss to 35-40%. Recuperator ensure effective exchange of air and its circulation throughout the building. It can cooperate with a ground heat exchanger (preheat fresh air by the warmth of the earth - allowing additional 5-7% saving on heat loss). Good design of ventilation with recuperation will provide the investor heating energy savings up to 40% and additionally definitely increase the comfort of using the building (impression of deliver fresh air without the necessity of avoiding windows or airing). In our package we show in annex the sample project of the  mechanical ventilation with recuperation, which will allow you to familiarize with the principle of work of such an installation. In addition to our projects you can order "Ventilation and Fireplace package" containing the mechanical ventilation project for a specific variant version of purchased house. The package includes a fireplace heating project and (for most projects) mechanical ventilation project with recuperation. In  the packages expansion the project of mechanical ventilation system cooperating with us White Moose company is used. The ventilation project is the basis for execution by the White Moose company offer for the same installation on site.

Contact to the company White Moose:

White Moose
Pomorska Street 3/39
08-110 Siedlce, Poland
Tel. +48 537-477-778, +48 512-210-976
[email protected],


Advantages of mechanical ventilation:

  • effective heat recovery,
  • filtering supply air with dust and pollen that cause allergies,
  • comfortable ventilation, no drafts,
  • constant supply of fresh air,
  • lowering heating costs in the winter,
  • elimination of moisture premises causing fungus and mold,
  • summer can reduce the temperature and humidity inside the house


Ventilation White Moose addition to the obvious advantages mentioned earlier, application White Moose solutions does not force the investor to increase outlays investment related to the necessity of fitting suspended ceilings, giant ventilation chess what necessitates an increase in the amount and size of the house. TuboFlex pipe distribution system allows for the distribution both supply air and exhaust air without structural changes in the floors and walls of the building. TuboFlexy system also provide us with adequate ventilation acoustics.


Diagram of mechanical ventilation with recuperation and ground heat exchanger:


An investor in "Ventilaation Package" receive from the MgProjekt house plan, and then the company White Moose provides:


  • mechanical ventilation project for the building
  • direct contact with personal technical advisor from White Moose
  • installation, system commissioning, warranty and post-warranty service.




In over ninety percent of the newly designed houses fireplace which is the most important element of decorative living room being built. Such an arrangement and the choice of an open fireplace provides us with only one room heating up. When the fireplace with an open combustion chamber we have no combustion control and there is high risk of fire. Deciding on a fireplace with iron insert chimney, we can provide heating to multiple rooms, combustion control, high efficiency, as well as savings in heating. The air heated by the stove can be distributed to other rooms, both using gravity and forced (DGP - distribution of hot air).


The selection criterion in this case is quite clear, if you want to heat an area no larger than the room where the fireplace is located and adjacent rooms, we should opt for a system with gravitational air circulation. Hot air (lighter than cold) will move upwardly in the heating chamber and to the heating pipes on the basis of the so-called thermal displacement. For larger buildings, a forced systems provide much greater opportunities compared to the gravitational systems. Increased range of installation provides heating up through a numbers of channels of each room in the house.


In the energy-saving package, in cooperation with POLCRAFT company, a heating systems manufacturer - we've example of the DGP heating project, combined with the installation of mechanical ventilation. In addition, to each project can be ordered "Ventilation and fireplace package,"  in which is a project fit to purchased version of house plan.


Example of POLCRAFT company heating:


An investor in " Fireplace package " receive from the MgProjekt house plan, and then the company POLCRAFT provides:

  • fireplace heating project for the building
  • direct contact with personal technical advisor from POLCRAFT
  • installation, system commissioning and warranty and post-warranty service.

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